Monday, May 9, 2011


Welcome to my new blog site.

It is my intention to share tips and strategies for running your stress-free business so that YOU can start to really enjoy your life again -- feeling fulfilled and JOYFUL about where you are and where you are headed.

My offerings here will be along the lines of "notes from a recovering Stressaholic".  You see, it is very important for me to share from my own learning, my own experience and hopefully inspire YOU to feel calm, confident and at ease with your life at home and in your career.

To give you a little background on me - I am the eldest daughter of five girls, brought up in a single parent family.  I grew up believing that I had to work VERY hard to get ahead and that I had to care for others BEFORE I could think of my own needs.

A result of the belief that I had to look after my siblings was that I left home at age 17 with no clue about who I was or where I wanted to go in life... I ended up in a cult for two years (the inability to make my own choices meant that I needed to be told what do do - what to think, etc.).

At age 21 I found myself with very little real marketable skill set (other than being a professional people pleaser!).  So I worked very hard in secretarial, bookkeeping and accounting work.  Always saying YES! to every request - I was a fast study and by the time I was 24 I was into managerial and much higher profile financial / accounting work.

In 1998 I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia.  Hardly surprising when I look at the constant and unrelenting stress and pressure I put upon myself - just to "earn a living".  I ended up transitioning into more of a healer / coach role as a result of the training I did in learning different aspects of healing myself from the inside out.

What I have come to realize is that my body's stress response is a gift - it is the way my intuition "suggests" that I slow down, sleep more, spend more time outside... etc.

I look forward to sharing more about how to become more and more stress free... it is important to me to help people recognize WHAT the message of their stress is and then look and what can be shifted in order to allow the joy and calmness in!


  1. Aren't our bodies wonderful? I too had the fortunate experience of Fibromyalgia/Lime Disease to help me listen - and we are still in the dance of communicating.

    I look forward to your future posts, as a fellow like-minded colleague and business owner.

    Cheri Valentine

  2. Thanks Cheri! -- Yes our bodies are an amazing wealth of information when we GET it! I totally hear what you mean about the dance of communication - I am in the same place!

